The First Time When you heard of the Brew Journal on Kickstarter, it was really the first time I was putting myself out there in a big way. There was no parameter of comparison in terms of success or failure. If you had seen me fail, well, that was my first time doing a product launch. […]
Brew Journal
Brew Journals Getting Damaged During Transit
I decided to start writing more about what happens behind the scenes on a one-man-operation business. Kegs & Code has been built with sweat, sore muscles and lots of creativity to get everything done on time. Post #1: Brew Journals are getting damaged during transit.
Kickstarter Campaign & Paradigm Shift
When you create something, you are passionate about it, and people love it as much as you do; you realize that is possible to live your dream and you don’t have to work on somebody else’s dream anymore in exchange for a paycheck.