Customer Help

Our hop-erators are always here to assist.

Common purchase questions answered

Orders and Shipping

Yes. We ship worlwide.

U.S. orders are typically delivered within 9 business days. However, this timeframe is affected during busy gifting holidays.

International orders are typically delivered between 14-21 business days.

If your order hasn’t shipped yet, the fastest way is to just email us.

You will receive a shipping confirmation e-mail with tracking information. But if for some reason you don’t receive that e-mail, you can track your order here.

If you choose to create an account during checkout and choose to save your payment method, yes. Otherwise, we will never keep your credit card information.

Most likely, but it depends. Apparel and most homebrewing subscription recipe ship from a different warehouse than our main office in Olympia, WA.

If you need to swap an item

Returns and Exchanges

To summarize, we will accept returns and exchanges on most of the products we sell. But please read our full policy here.

Our bad! We will exchange the wrong item for free.

We ensure every product leaves Kegs & Code in mint condition, but if your order arrived damaged please contact us ASAP.

Meditation williamsburg kogi blog bushwick pitchfork polaroid austin dreamcatcher narwhal taxidermy tofu gentrify aesthetic.

In most cases yes. If an item can be backordered, it will say on the listing.

Common subscription questions answered

Homebrewing Subscription

We only ship subscriptions within the United States.

We ship every Monday and Tuesday. For example, if you place your order on Saturday, we will ship your recipe pack within 2-3 days. If you place your order on Wednesday, your recipe pack will be mailed within 5-6 days. And then every month after that.

You will receive a shipping confirmation e-mail with tracking information. But if for some reason you don’t receive that e-mail, you can track your order here.

If you choose to create an account during checkout and choose to save your payment method, yes. Otherwise, we will never keep your credit card information.

We would hate to see you go. But yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. If you started your 3 or 6-month subscription and would like to cancel, you will still get the remaining recipe packs but your subscription won’t be renewed at the end of that period. We never charge cancellation fees either.

Right now we only offer 1-gallon recipe kits for two reasons. 1, you probably already have all the equipment necessary to brew 1-gallon batches in your kitchen. And 2, we are still trying to figure out a cheap way to ship 5-gallon kits (they are heavy).

Definitely! For right now, all you have to do is enter a different shipping address if that applies. In the future we will add a “Gift Option” so you receive an extra email with a print friendly card 🙂

In order to offer free shipping, bottles are not included due to weight and size. You will need about 10 12oz bottles in order to bottle 1-gallon of beer (+caps and a capper).

If you own a store


Yes, we love to with other business owners!

The fastest and easiest way is to e-mail us. We answer all wholesale inquiries within 6-12 hours.

The Kegs & Code Wholesale Program was created to accommodate small homebrew and gift shops around the U.S.

By committing to a small order quantity every year, small shops can get the same wholesale prices as if they were placing a large order.

Memberships are renewed yearly.

Check out the details here.

Free U.S. shipping

On all orders above $33

International Shipping

We ship everywhere in the world

Easy 30 days returns

30 days money back guarantee

100% Secure Checkout

PayPal / Visa / Amazon / Apple Pay

© Kegs & Code Co. 2014 – 2020

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