Brewing beer and charts go hand-in-hand. There are so many ratios and brewing ingredient varieties that most of the time the best way to organize all that information is… in a chart.
Shortly after we launched the Brew Journal we asked our customers about creating a laminated brewing chart. They were on board and even suggested what the most useful information would be. It boiled down to alcohol by volume and unit conversion tables.
The ABV chart is specially useful to cross reference your hydrometer readings with the potential alcohol in the finished beer. Not only that, you can use that chart to troubleshoot if your original gravity reads too low or too high before your beer goes to primary fermentation (we have done that).
The unit conversion tables comes in handy if the brewer happens to find a useful piece of information but it’s in a different measuring system. The eternal battle between metric and imperial. It’s specially frustrating when we need that measurement as fast as possible. Let’s say your recipe didn’t specify at what temperature you need to do the hop whirlpool. You only noticed that as your wort is cooling, and cooling fast! Even if you find the answer in a different measuring system, this laminated brewing chart will have the conversion right there ready for you!
Laminated brewing chart contents
- Alcohol By Volume Chart
- Unit Conversion Chart
- Empty space for personal notes